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How to reduce the smell of Cannabis in your home


The smell of Cannabis, also known as marijuana, is probably one of the most recognisable scents in the world. For some, the smell of Cannabis may evoke feelings of relaxation or euphoria, while for others, it may be associated with negative stereotypes or stigma. You might love the smell, but your neighbours might not. In this article, we explore ways to reduce the smell of Cannabis in your home.

How does Cannabis get her smell?

Cannabis strains are a complex mixture of over 100 different terpenes and cannabinoids. The terpenes are aromatic compounds responsible for the distinctive scent. The most abundant terpene in Cannabis is myrcene, which has a musky, earthy aroma. Still, other terpenes, such as limonene, pinene, and caryophyllene, can also contribute to the distinctive smell of Cannabis. Some strains of Cannabis may have a sweet, fruity scent, while others may smell more skunky or diesel-like. When Cannabis is smoked or vaporised, the odour can be powerful and distinctive.

10 ways to eliminate the Cannabis smell

  1. Ventilation: Good ventilation is the key to reducing the smell of Cannabis. Open windows or use fans to circulate fresh air and remove the odour.

  2. Invest in an Air purifier: This option is more expensive than just opening a window but might be more effective. An air purifier will eliminate and neutralise odours directly from the air. It will not only remove the smell of weed but also eliminate other smells in your home, leaving the air you breathe so fresh and clean.

  3. Create a smoking area. To better control odours, avoid smoking in multiple rooms. This way, the smell is limited to one room and just specific furniture, carpets and items, making cleaning easier. It will also help keep your other rooms smell fresh for when you have guests over. Make sure you choose an area with good airflow, and why not add a few plants for air purification?

  4. Odour-absorbing products: Products such as activated charcoal or ozone generators can help absorb and neutralise odours.

  5. Baking soda: Place a bowl of baking soda in the area you have smoked. Baking soda won’t expel harmful toxins or strong smells and will help neutralise nasty odours. 

  6. Smell-proof containers: Store your Cannabis in airtight, smell-proof containers to prevent the odour from escaping.

  7. Smoke outside: Smoking or vaporising Cannabis outside can help minimise the smell in your home.

  8. Mask the odour: Use scented candles, air fresheners, or essential oils to mask the smell of Cannabis. Citrus, spicy, herbal and earthy scents are a great way to neutralise the smell. Don’t forget to check the label to ensure the candle is safe to use indoors and contains no potentially harmful chemicals. We have created a unique smokescreen candle that you might like! 

  9. Clean regularly: Regularly cleaning surfaces and textiles can help reduce the buildup of odours. We recommend a cleaning solution with a citrus or herbal scent to help mask the smell. 

  10. Use incense; is that marijuana I smell? Nope, that’s my incense. Can’t you see it burning over there? Denial is not a river in Egypt.

If you are still concerned about the smell, you could also use an oil or tincture, which is often odourless.

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Is medical marijuana covered by medicare or health insurance in Australia?

Even though medicinal Cannabis is considered a prescription medicine, it isn't an approved product under the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG). Currently, medicinal Cannabis is prescribed through the Special Access Scheme or Authorised Prescriber Program, which means that, unfortunately, Medicare and PBS don't cover medicinal marijuana.