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Why keeping a Cannabis Journal could benefit you.

Cannabis Journal Image credit:  Los Muertos Crew

Keeping a medicinal Cannabis journal can significantly enhance your experience and provide valuable information to share with your doctor. It can be a great tool to help understand the effects of medicinal Cannabis products on your well-being and help you better advocate for your health. By documenting your cannabis usage, you can gain insights into its effects and optimise your treatment plan. Journaling your experiences also makes you more mindful; by being more attentive to your symptoms and treatment, you’ll be more likely to thoroughly understand your body’s response to cannabis, which will help you make more informed decisions.

This article will explore the benefits of maintaining a cannabis journal and how it can improve your overall experience.


  • Keeping a cannabis journal allows medicinal cannabis users to personalise their treatment.
  • Cannabis journaling isn’t very time-consuming; it should take no more than 5 minutes out of your day.
  • It can help you discover patterns that can improve your response and help avoid products you dislike
  • It helps you identify effective strains, monitor side effects, optimise dosages, and track progress over time. 
  • By being consistent, you’ll find it easier to determine patterns.
  • Providing comprehensive information to your doctor can enhance your treatment plan and improve your overall cannabis experience. 

The Benefits of keeping a Cannabis Journal

  1. Personalised Treatment: Keeping a cannabis journal allows you to track your symptoms, dosage, strains, and consumption methods. Doing so lets you identify patterns and determine what works best for you. Cannabis isn’t a one size fits all solution, you can respond differently to products that your friends have recommended and may even react differently to the same product taken on, for example a stressful day. Documenting personalised information can help your doctor make more informed decisions about your treatment plan.

  2. Identifying Effectiveness: A cannabis journal enables you to evaluate the effectiveness of different strains and dosages. By noting how specific products impact your symptoms, you can identify which ones provide the most relief and tailor your future choices accordingly. It makes it easier for yourself and your doctor to identify which products can reproduce the most effective experience. This information can be invaluable when discussing your experiences with your doctor.

  3. Monitoring Side Effects: Like any medication, Cannabis could have potential side effects. You can record any adverse reactions or unexpected outcomes by maintaining a journal. Different circumstances during your day could affect your response to Cannabis. So, even if it may seem trivial, please take a note of it. This information can assist your doctor in assessing the suitability of certain strains or dosages and making necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.

  4. Optimising Dosage: Finding the correct dosage is crucial for an optimal cannabis experience. By documenting the amount of cannabis used and the subsequent effects, you can fine-tune your dosage to achieve the desired outcome. This data can help your doctor make more informed decisions when adjusting your treatment plan.

  5. Tracking Progress: Keeping a cannabis journal allows you to monitor your progress over time. By recording your symptoms, dosage, and strain preferences, you can observe any changes in your condition and evaluate the effectiveness of different treatments. This long-term overview can provide valuable information for both you and your doctor.

Creating a Cannabis Journal
Image credit:  Jess Bailey


Maintaining a cannabis journal is a valuable practice for medicinal cannabis users. By documenting your cannabis usage, you can provide your doctor with comprehensive information, enabling them to make informed decisions about your treatment plan. Moreover, it empowers you to optimise your cannabis experience by identifying the most effective strains, dosages, and consumption methods. Start keeping a cannabis journal today and take control of your medicinal cannabis journey.

Download your free 420s Cannabis Journal

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A comprehensive guide of the 10 most common methods to consume Cannabis

Traditionally, when you think of Cannabis, you think of smoking, but it's actually one of the least prescribed forms of administration. The consumption of medicinal Cannabis happens in various ways, each offering unique effects and onset times. Your chosen method depends on your preferences, desired effects, personal circumstances and doctor's recommendation. In this article we discuss the most common methods of cannabis consumption to help you assess which method might work for you