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A comprehensive guide to Medicinal Cannabis Dosage; understanding which factors might influence your symptoms.

Finding the correct dosage is crucial when using Cannabis. Many factors influence the effects of Cannabis, and in this article, we'll explore which factors might influence your symptoms and what to consider when reviewing the dosage your doctor might recommend.

Cannabis Dosage Image credit:  Anna Shvets

How to find the correct dosage?

Finding the correct dosage is crucial when using Cannabis. The effects of Cannabis are influenced by factors like weight, individual tolerance, the method of consumption, and the specific strain. Your experience with Cannabis will also heavily impact your dosage. The TGA advises that first-time Cannabis users may only need 0.1–0.5 of the starting dose of a regular cannabis user to note effects (both positive and negative).

Here are some essential points to consider when understanding Cannabis dosage.

THC levels for vaping and smoking

For beginners or those looking for a mild experience, choosing products with 10% THC or less is recommended.

10-20% THC content is considered strong for beginners, but often the preferred dosage for more experienced users.

THC levels of 20% and above are considered very strong and are not recommended for inexperienced users. 

THC dosing for edibles

Beginners could start with a microdose of 1-2 mg THC.

Depending on your tolerance, a 2-5 mg THC dose can still be considered a microdose or low dose.

The most common range for users is 5-10 mg THC.

A dose of 10-50 mg THC is considered strong and could be suitable for experienced consumers.

Products with 50 mg THC and above are very strong and typically reserved for very experienced users or those with severe symptoms

Start low and go slow

"Start low and go slow" is a phrase often used to guide people new to using Cannabis. It's a principle that suggests a cautious and gradual approach to consuming Cannabis to minimise the risk of adverse effects or overconsumption. "Start low" means that when trying a new product or strain of Cannabis, it's advisable to begin with a small or low dose. This allows you to gauge how your body reacts to the product and helps you avoid consuming more than your tolerance level can handle. "Go slow" means that after starting with a low dose, you should wait and give your body time to experience the effects before considering consuming more. The effects of Cannabis can take some time to fully manifest, and consuming more too quickly could lead to uncomfortable or even distressing experiences.

The idea behind "start low and go slow" helps you to

  • Gauge how your body responds.

  • minimises the risk of overconsumption 

  • It helps you find your optimal dosage. 

  • It may help to avoid potential adverse effects such as feeling overly intoxicated, anxious, or other unwanted side effects. 

Consider your tolerance

Regular Cannabis users could develop a tolerance, where your body becomes less responsive to the effects of Cannabis over time, requiring higher doses to achieve the same effects. If you have been using Cannabis regularly, you may need to adjust your dosage accordingly with the guidance of your doctor.

Tolerance occurs because your body adapts to the constant stimulation of THC, the active compound in Cannabis. This happens through receptor downregulation, where the brain's cannabinoid receptors become less sensitive to THC. This can decrease the number of receptors, making it harder for THC to produce the same effects. Another way tolerance develops is through desensitisation, meaning that even though THC is binding to your receptors, the effects may be diminished. The tolerance you have for Cannabis can be reversed by having a tolerance break.

Tolerance breaks

A tolerance break helps reset your body's tolerance to the effects of cannabinoids, notably THC. Taking a tolerance break involves refraining from using Cannabis for a certain period, anywhere from 24 - 48hrs to a few weeks, allowing your body to return to a lower tolerance level. If you want to learn more about tolerance breaks, please read the article we wrote about tolerance breaks. 

How the method of consumption matters

Different consumption methods have varying effects. Not all consumption methods have an immediate impact. For example, vaping provides faster onset but shorter duration, while edibles have a slower onset and longer-lasting effects. The dosage you need will differ based on the consumption method. For less experienced users, using consumption methods with a slower onset could lead to overconsumption. For more information about different consumption methods, click here.

Be Patient

The effects of Cannabis take time to manifest fully. Avoid the common mistake of consuming more because you don't feel immediate effects. Wait for at least 30 minutes to 2 hours (depending on the method of consumption) before considering taking more.

Read product labels before filling your script

Pay attention to the product's packaging for information on THC and CBD content, serving sizes, and recommended dosages. This information will help guide your usage.

THC and CBD Ratios

Understanding a product's THC: CBD ratio can help you choose the right one for your needs. High-THC products produce more psychoactive effects, while balanced or high-CBD products may offer a more mellow experience.

Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to how your body responds to different doses. Stick with it if you feel comfortable and enjoy the effects at a specific dosage. If you experience discomfort or unwanted side effects, reduce your dosage and contact your doctor to discuss trying a different strain. We recommend keeping a Cannabis journal to document your response to Cannabis.

Don't mix Cannabis with alcohol or other substances

Combining Cannabis and alcohol can have different effects on individuals, which can vary depending on the amount consumed and personal tolerance. Both substances can affect coordination, judgement, and reaction time, posing safety concerns, especially when engaging in activities requiring focus and alertness, such as driving or operating machinery. Furthermore, combining Cannabis and alcohol can lead to an increased heart rate, dizziness, nausea, and even paranoia or anxiety for some individuals. It's important to be aware of these potential side effects and make informed decisions about consuming both substances. It can enhance the effects and may lead to unpredictable outcomes. It's generally safer to use Cannabis on its own.

Know your limits, Cannabis affects everyone differently

Be mindful of your limitations and avoid overconsumption. In the end, your Cannabis experience is highly personal, and what works for someone else might not work for you.  

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