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Can Cannabis help reduce PMS symptoms?

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is experienced by the majority of people who have periods. The way that Cannabis affects the body means that it is effective in treating multiple symptoms at once, making it a viable treatment option when PMS symptoms persist after trying traditional methods.

Cannabis and PMS Image credit:  Nataliya Vaitkevich


  • PMS affects the majority of people who have periods with varying severity
  • Cannabis is effective in treating both the physical and emotional symptoms of PMS
  • Patients have reported decreased symptoms associated with PMS when using medicinal marijuana as part of a treatment plan

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is experienced by the majority of people who have periods. PMS is a term that describes the symptoms that occur before and during periods. They can start up to two weeks prior to your period and often end within the first few days after bleeding begins. The symptoms, length and severity of PMS depend on the individual and can even vary between cycles. Symptoms can include bloating, migraines, back pain and lethargy, but the list is much longer than this, and it can be difficult to find a single treatment that can address each individual symptom of PMS.

If exercise, painkillers and getting enough sleep don’t seem to be alleviating your symptoms, medicinal marijuana can be a solution to this monthly problem. The way that Cannabis affects the body means that it is effective in treating multiple symptoms at once, making it a viable treatment option when PMS symptoms persist after trying traditional methods.

But how do we know? Let’s have a look at how the body is affected by PMS first.

What is PMS?

PMS is an umbrella term used to describe an array of physical and emotional symptoms that are often experienced by people who have periods both before and during menstruation. Symptoms can start up to two weeks before an actual period and often end when the period starts or a few days later.

The exact cause of PMS is still unknown, but researchers have suggested that it may be caused by the changing levels of hormones during the menstrual cycle. In addition, these hormone levels have an effect on the way that chemicals are sent to the brain, resulting in a variety of unpleasant symptoms.

What are the symptoms and treatments of PMS?

Each person will experience the symptoms of PMS differently, while some may not experience them at all. The most common ones are:

  • Bloating
  • Cramps
  • Tender breasts
  • Acne
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Muscle pain (especially back pain)
  • Lack of coordination
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Food cravings
  • Fatigue or insomnia
  • Low mood (often involving sudden crying)
  • Difficulty concentrating

It’s a long list, and that’s not even all of the symptoms. Often, people with periods are expected to treat these symptoms by themselves. You might be told to take pain medication, exercise more, eat better or get enough sleep. But if you’re feeling tired, craving sweets, dealing with insomnia and have a migraine (or any other combination of symptoms), it can be difficult to even get out of bed to have a shower.

Cannabis, on the other hand, has been found to help with both the physical and emotional symptoms of PMS.

How can Cannabis help with PMS?

Marijuana is known for its balancing properties due to the way that the chemical compounds found in Cannabis (THC and CBD) work with our endocannabinoid system. 

If you’re experiencing emotional symptoms associated with PMS (anxiety, irritability, cravings, low mood or difficulty concentrating), CBD, THC, or a combination of the two can be helpful. CBD is known to reduce stress, anxiety and can help with mood swings because of the way that it changes the way your receptors bind with cannabinoids and boosts production in the endocannabinoid system. 

On the other hand, THC copies our natural endocannabinoids and binds to receptors in our bodies to treat pain (including muscle pain, headaches, migraines and cramps).

But the combination of THC and CBD creates something called the Entourage Effect, which, according to research, is the most effective in helping to treat a variety of symptoms associated with PMS. By using a product with a combination of both THC and CBD, you can get the most out of medicinal Cannabis.

Like other medicines, medicinal marijuana affects each person differently. Make sure you’re speaking with your medical practitioner to ensure that you can get the correct product for your needs.

Can you legally get Cannabis in Australia?

You sure can! 

It is legal to buy and use medicinal Cannabis in Australia as long as it has been prescribed by a doctor. Doctors will prescribe medicinal marijuana for the purposes of relieving medical conditions (including those associated with PMS). Medicinal Cannabis is heavily regulated in Australia, meaning that the products you can get are tested for quality and safety.

Research has shown decreased muscle pain, irritability and insomnia when using marijuana to treat symptoms of PMS

You can legally get a prescription for medical Cannabis to treat the symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome in Australia.

As the symptoms of PMS can be both physical and emotional, Cannabis can be an effective tool to alleviate many symptoms with one form of treatment. Research has shown that Cannabis is effective in treating both the physical and emotional symptoms associated with PMS without negative side effects as long as the correct product is used.

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