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Summarised Study: Evaluation of the effects of CBD hemp extract on opioid use and quality of life indicators in chronic pain patients.

This is a summary of "Evaluation of the effects of CBD hemp extract on opioid use and quality of life indicators in chronic pain patients: a prospective cohort study' by Alex Capano, Richard Weaver and Elisa Burkman, published in Postgraduate Medicine, Vol. 132, 2020, Issue 1.

Pain Management

Study Methodology

A prospective, single-arm cohort study for the potential role of cannabinoids as an alternative to opioids was conducted. A prospective cohort study follows a group of similar people (called a cohort) over a period of time, collecting data on their exposure to certain factors. In this case, 131 patients with chronic pain between 30 and 65 years old who have been on opioids for at least a year (the cohort) were exposed to CBD (the factor).

Data were collected at three points: baseline, four weeks, and eight weeks. 

Improvement was evaluated using four pain rating indices: 

Reported improved symptoms

  • Sleep Quality (94%)
  • Pain Intensity & Interference (94%)
  • Reduction of Opiod Usage (53%)


  • Chronic pain is a significant issue that affects a large portion of the population.
  • While opioids have traditionally been used for pain management, they come with various adverse effects and the risk of dependence and addiction. 
  • Cannabinoids, specifically Cannabidiol (CBD), have been proposed as a potential alternative to opioids, offering comparable efficacy with a better safety profile.
  • Recent evidence highlights cannabinoid efficacy and safety for pain control, with moderate-quality evidence suggesting pain reduction.
  • The study found that CBD could significantly reduce opioid use and improve sleep quality, chronic pain intensity and interference among patients currently using opioids. 
  • 53% of chronic pain patients reduced or eliminated their opioids within 8 weeks after adding CBD-rich hemp extract to their regimens.
  • 94% of all CBD users reported quality of life improvements, with a significant relationship between CBD and sleep quality and pain intensity & interference.
  • The findings of this study suggest that using CBD-rich hemp extract oil may positively impact chronic pain management. 
  • There was a trend towards improvement but no significant relationship between CBD use and other indicators such as depression and pain disability.

It is important to note that this study has some limitations, such as the need for a control group and a relatively small sample size. Therefore, further research is needed to confirm these findings and explore the long-term effects of CBD use for chronic pain management.

Read full study here.

— Alex Capano, Richard Weaver and Elisa Burkman.

DISCLAIMER: This content has been partially generated by artificial intelligence and should only be used for informational purposes. This content should not be considered as medical advice; please always consult your doctor to see if alternative plant medicine is suitable for you.

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